19 March 2008

Angie tagged me!

Here are the rules: You have to answer the questions with a Google image search. NO using your own pictures. Even on the picture of you. Let's see what happens.

Favorite Color: i love red, it's warm and rich

Favorite Animal: gifarre, oops giraffe

Bad Habit: picking at my fingers, how embarassing

Favorite Food: cheese pizza's the best and i chose this image because it's in michigan

Favorite Hobby: what do you need a book for?? to read

Place I live: Richfield, UT

Favorite Song: Imagine

My job(s): mom, quality analyst, accountant

Favorite Author: Willa Cather

Favorite Dessert: maple cookies

Picture of ME:

I tag Brittany


ms aimee said...

this deserves a week off of blogging. see ya.

Angie said...

woohoo! thanks aim!

Angie said...

a giraffe is your favorite? really? I never knew...

Anonymous said...

gifarre. nice aemie.

alecia said...

sorry it took me so long to comment. i was busy doing mine which took forever!