17 March 2008

Congrats, Second-Grader H

We live just 3 blocks from Ashman Elementary. We have a great time walking to school together. Anyway, we had our second SEP with H's teacher last week. Some of her comments were:

"If I had 24 other students just like Harrison, my class would be perfect." - Mrs C

"Harrison has A LOT of friends and he is such a good friend to everyone." - Mrs C

"I enjoyed watching Harrison during a buddy-read. He was so kind to his partner. His partner isn't a very good reader and Harrison would very gently and kindly offer help. I was very proud of him." - Mrs C


Anonymous said...

ohhhh! little h is growing up.

Angie said...

what a good kid!

alecia said...

can i make a grade chart for him???

#1 nice to leash on the phone
#2 said to leash, "you are my favorite aunt"
#3 hugged grandma for 15 seconds
#4 practiced the piano for 15 minutes

i have more, harrison. you want all of 'em?