02 April 2008

flying 3000 days (click to find out how old you are in days)

Harrison and i did a little math on Tuesday since he wanted to know how many days old he is (then he wanted to know months, hours etc). Anyway we did the calculation and came up with today being his 3000th day. He has done a good job being alive for 3000 days. He has spent many days practicing jiu-jitsu, playing baseball, swimming, swinging, reading, humming, playing trains, building with legos, watching star wars, acting star wars, beating video games, teasing, laughing and loving. Happy 3000th day, kiddo! We love you so much and these 3000 days FLEW by for us.


alecia said...

I have missed so many of your 3000 days harrison! I will be with you on or around your 3020th day. I love you and miss you.

Since Ruthie is 80 days old today, you are 37.5 times as old as she is! You are 37.5 ruthies! Besides being almost exactly 8 years older than here.

ms aimee said...

harrison loves to go thru the age lists, ie when i am 9 ruthie will be 1...

Anonymous said...

happy 3000! i wonder how many days old I am...

Justin said...

I'm 13,247 days old. Yikes!