05 July 2008

looks to be a new bathroom

Our 70 year old bathroom sink would not quit leaking and the master fixer couldn't get to the solid rusted areas he needed to be able to fix it. So, he was taking the sink off the wall to attempt one more time to get to the rusty areas and the sink CRACKED. The porcelain was SO sharp that Kent just pressed against it and it sliced his arm open. He probably needed stitches but opted for a butterfly bandage.

We had already been shopping for vanities just in case that became our only option. We wanted this very expensive one, of course.

We kept looking.

We found an affordable set that we both liked.

We agreed that this small sink could move to another bathroom someday and we'd get the expensive one that matched better later. But we like it in here now!
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alecia said...

very nice!

DeFreese said...


Angie said...

i like it way mucho!

Angie said...

a butterfly band-aid is like stitches for Kent if you consider the comparison. usually he doesn't use anything at all! It must'be been a pretty bad slice!