14 September 2008

rain on hotel pyne

When we lived near Houston we had this great house with a pool and guest bedrooms and one of our great guests named it Hotel Pyne. Well, hurricane Ike was a guest yesterday and here's what he had to say...

this is the big oak tree that stood in the front of our house in roman forest, tx.

this is the garage from the back yard

this is the front of the garage (if the tree were not right there)

here is the tree ON the garage

hotel pyne has seen better days. ramona who lives there right now had a brand new car in that garage when it hit. it is smashed as well and is pretty much holding the garage up now.


alecia said...

poor hotel pyne! Is that the corner of the swimming pool filled with dirty, leafy hurrican-water?

I'm so sorry to you, the car, the tree, the garage, and the beautiful pool.

I'm Batman said...

that's awful! glad it was the garage and not the house...